Alfa-Veda Verlag – Books for Consciousness Based Education

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wilhelm busch
Wilhelm Busch

Max and Moritz bilingual deutsch english – A Juvenile History in Seven Tricks – English translation by Charles Timothy Brooks
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Märchen bilingual – The Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily – Illustrated by  Hermann Hendrich and Hermann Linde

heinrich hoffmann
Nathaniel Hawthorne

Tanglewood Tales

Illustrated by Virginia Frances Sterrett

heinrich hoffmann
Heinrich Hoffmann
Slovenly Peter – German First Print of 1845 and English Translation by Mark Twain
Regine Kress.Fricke
Regine Kress-Fricke

The Prosecution of Julian Assange  – Dance Template
jan müller
Jan Müller

Rik Veda Tenth Mandala
Patañjali’s Yoga Sutra
Polepole’s Treasure Quest

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Au centre du désert: Prisoner of the Sand – bilingual
hans vater
Hans Vater

At the Feet of Maharishi
margery williams
Margery Williams

The Velveteen Rabbit
- How Toys Become ReaI
Illustrated by Beljana Marion Metje

english books  English and bilingual Books  american books

    rik veda tenth mandalaPatañjalis Yoga-Sutra: Yogic Power through Samadhi and Sidhiskaguya daughter of the moongoethes märchenaladdin-wunderful lampslovenly petertanglewood talesmax und moritzmax und moritzau centre du désertrealized wholenessbeginning of the movementtranscendetal meditation from a christian viewpointPolepole's Treasure Quest At the Feet of MaharishiProsecution of Julian Asssange

Alfa-Veda Verlag
Stendaler Str.25 B
39646 Oebisfelde
Tel. 039002-79575
alfa-veda ( ­at­ )
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