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Rameswar Tiwa was a wealthy businessman and loyal devotee of Shri Gurudeva who wrote down and collected the life experiences with which Gurudev used to illustrate his explanations. He compiled this wondrous and very entertaining biography from the many strange incidents recounted by Gurudev himself.</ContributorShortBio>



realized wholeness

Realized Wholeness

A Brief Biography of Shri Gurudeva

Rameswar Tiwari

English by Prem C. Pasricha

112 pages
Paperback 12 x 19 x 0,7 cm 130 g
ISBN 9783988370082

9,80 €

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ISBN 9783988370082
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“When God gives, He gives all that is required: The Whole Thing — The Real Thing.”
When does God give and to whom? This book, about a man who found a way to intelligent self-completeness, a way to live wholly in tune with the WHOLE, may inspire you to do the same.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, world-famous for his technique of Transcendental Meditation and the Science of Creative Intelligence, is one among the many brilliant disciples left behind by Jagadguru Bhagwan Shankaracharya Swami Brahmananda Saraswatiji Maharaj of Jyotirmath, Badrikashram.

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